It's kind of hard for me to believe that this was a holiday weekend. I felt crummy all weekend which was a bummer because I was really looking forward to hanging out with my people and celebrating Easter. Instead, with a few exceptions, I spent the weekend at my house. A "stay-cation" I would call it. I had a long list of to-do's for my house and, with the beautiful weather, I was just itching to get it done. There is a great deal of satisfaction that comes with my house being in top condition. Probably because growing up, our house was always perfect.
I had a project that I was dreading getting done, so I decided to do it first thing Saturday morning. Just to get it over with. After my Wayne workout I headed straight to ACE Hardware and started while I was still grubby from my workout. The bushes along my front walk had died and were looking pretty shabby so I had my lawn guy, Barney, pull them out for me. That left a huge and muddy walkway that was just unacceptable. I got a "weed killing tarp" (there is probably a more technical term, but I sure don't know it) and marble rocks and went to town. I ended up having to go back to ACE three times since I grossly underestimated the amount of rock I would need. I am now on a first name basis with all the ACE guys. HA!!
It's still not perfect. Probably two or three more bags of marble rock will do. I will tackle that next weekend though. The thought of going back to ACE for a fourth time is a little humiliating. Maybe by next Saturday the guys loading the rock will have forgotten about me :) I also have to take the sprinkler heads off so they don't pop out. That bugs. And, of course, touch up the paint.
Next up was the garage. I have a two car garage. It's huge and roomy and I LOVE it in the winter. Since it's just the Explorer in there, I have plenty of room for all my stuff. I even have a storage room above my garage I haven't even touched. The garage is a god-send in the winter. I would NEVER go workout every morning if I had to scrape ice at 5:30 am. But once spring rolls around, it is in total need of a cleaning. All of the leaves, dirt, sand, etc. of the fall and winter adds up! I took everything out of my garage and then Hudy and KO came over and used a blower and cleaned it right up. Easy peasy.
Finished product. Pefection :)
I thought this was a funny pic. All of my front door and gate decorations for the year. Thanks, Mom :)
I got a bunch of other little stuff done around the inside of my house too. Cleaned the bathroom floors, dusted my tv and tv stand, changed my sheets. I don't really know what got into me, but I love the finished product.
On the agenda for next weekend? Fix BOTH toilets (don't ask, long story), get more rocks to finish up sidewalk and touch up that paint, figure out how to re-attatch my gutter (another long story), deep-clean my car, and tackle my laundry room. When did I turn into such a domestic Diva? HA!
Ya'll don't feel too bad for me, though. My weekend wasn't spent all stuck inside. I firmly believe that all work and no play makes Amanda a dull girl so Friday night I went over to Junior's house and hung out with the Wedd's. We ate mexican food and enjoyed the outside with Hudson. I took Lulu along because she loves their yard. Saturday I went over to Lora's because Erica was over there with her little guy, Kingston. I spent a couple of hours there hanging and talking. It was great. Later in the day I went for a drink and met up with the besties and our friend Holly at The Eldridge. That's when I started feeling crummy, so I went home early to bed.
My little man, Kingston.
Holly and us.
I went to church on Easter morning and slept the rest of the day. I would have LOVED to go over and watch Hudson hunt for eggs, but I was too paranoid about getting the babies sick so I stayed away :(
I did, however, get a chance to make my family's traditional bunny cake! I've pretty much had this every Easter of my whole life so, eventhough I was feeling bad, I HAD to make it. I knew my Mom was home in California making one too, so it kind of made me feel close to the fam.
Isn't she cute?!?!?
My Mom's cake back in California. Obviously she has had more practice :)
Welp, that pretty much wraps it up! I am feeling really groggy this morning. Probably since I chugged a half bottle of NyQuil last night at about 2:00 am. I need to shake this thing soon so I can get back in the gym. Lake season is just weekends away!