As some of you may or may not know, I am a huge Jayhawk fan. I think I literally bleed crimson and blue. This past weekend our men's hoops teams traveled to San Antonio to participate in the NCAA Sweet 16/ Elite 8. On a whim KO and I decided to hop on a plane and join the festivities (Shout out to Mom and Dad for the free flight using their cc miles. Smooches) . KO and I have a really special friendship I think mainly because we are soooo opposite, we balance eachother out. She is always on time and I am always late. She is very organized and I prefer organized chaos. She is really motivated and in shape and I am.......well, I am working on it! All jokes aside, KO is my calm and I value her opinions and advice more than anything. There is no one I would have rather gone on this adventure with. Mainly because I was confident that, with her by my side, I wouldn't end up in jail. I only kid, Mom. I knew this would be a fun trip because it combined all of my favorite things.....Friends, Shopping, Nightlife, and the JAYHAWKS!
We started out Friday morning with an EARLY morning flight (Hello 3 a.m. wakeup call). We arrived in SA around 10:30 am and flagged a cab to the hotel. We were greeted in the lobby by our BFF Hudy and literally hundereds of peeps sporting Jayhawk gear so we knew we were in the right place. After a quick workout and some pool time, we hit the town for some authentic mexican food and drinks before the game. THE MARGARITAS WERE AMAZING!
Actual Margartas Show Here
Me and KO before the game!
After the fun dinner we headed on over to the Alamodome to watch The Jayhawks VS. The Richmond Spiders. The game was AWESOME. We killed them and we had incredible seats....about five rows up behind the KU bench (Props to Hudy for the killer seats. She keeps telling me she is important, that day she proved it). I got to catch up with my old college roomate, Jamie, who's little brother plays for the Jayhawks. He had a great game and she was one proud sister. After the game we headed out on The Riverwalk. It was fun to catch up with old friends and explore the city. It was a great night.
The next day we had a total free day (Except for Hudy, who had to work. Bummer, but someone has to earn the money.) We woke up kind of early and went for a workout then strolled up and down The Riverwalk for a couple of hours. After, we showered and got ready for my favorite pastime.....the mall. I get my passion for malls from my Mom. Growing up, we used to travel a lot with my Dad's work. She and I would find a mall at every stop. This trip was no exception. The thing I loved most about this mall was that it was outdoors. What made it especially nice, was that the weather back in KS was awful so I really felt like I was on a tropical vacation. I didn't really get much, just a fun bracelet. Just being outside was enough. We finished off the day with an early dinner at PF Changs and hanging out at the hotel bar. Early to bed. Perfect Day!
Sunday...well, I don't really like talking about Sunday. My poor Jayhawks lost to VCU. I don't really have an explanation for what happened, only that we didn't play our best game and VCU shot lights out. As my friend Ashley said, "Rock Chalk, Sad Hawk." I landed back home in Lawrence around 9:15 PM. Totally dissapointed but thrilled to see my Lulu. I mean, how can you be sad when you are greeted with a face like this:
Lulu Bean