Monday, October 3, 2011


Yesterday we went to the KC Chiefs game and it was! Ok, let me back up a this summer I decided to become a Chiefs fan. Why? I'm so glad you asked....Because I live a lifestyle where my work and personal life hangs on every bounce of a ball, I thought it would be healthy for me to get invested in a team that reaaaally didn't have that much impact on my life.  I am so jealous of the normal fan who gets to go games and cheer their hardest but, if their team comes up short in the end, it's not the end of the world. So I chose the Chiefs and decided to go all out....OBVI.  I bought a Chiefs t-shirt and sweatshirt, printed off the schedule, and mastered the "tomahawk chop." Every week I would ask the bestie, "Can we go to the Chiefs game this weekend?" and every week the answer has been no. Either somebody has practice, somebody is traveling, or somebody just wants to be lazy and do nothing. So you can imagine my suprise when I asked the same question this week and the response was actually yes.  After I got over my intial shock, I went straight to work on snagging some tix. I knew exactly who to go to and got hooked up big time.  We actually ended up with tickets in the head coach's suite. Sitting right next to his wife.   Let me tell you, that was an experience. I was raised by a crazy athletics director's wife and was surrounded by crazy coach's wifes my whole childhood so I was prepared for pretty much anything. But this lady took it to the next level.  Screaming at the officials, banging her hands on the plexi-glass and cursing up a storm...all while staying totally glam and fabulous the whole time. I LOVED IT....and I  totally understood. Her team hadn't won a game all season and "people" were calling for her husband's job.  So she had no reason to apologize. I totally felt for her, HER life was hanging on every pass.   It all turned out great in the end because the Chiefs pulled of the W and everybody could breathe a sigh of relief. Mrs. Haley even cried. I did have to laugh to myself on the way home because I don't know how I went from going to a game as a normal fan and not really caring about the sitting with the head coach's wife and feeling the pressure....again. Typical. 

This was the only pic I got from the whole game. Stupid camera.

So Sunday was a total success. I think I may have even made a new friend in the process. Mrs. Haley, or Chrissy as she told me to call her, invited us back to any game we wanted. Probably because I found her center stone that fell out of her ring during one of her plexi-glass banging rants.  Hudy put it perfectly, "If it's a diamond, Amanda will find it." 

One other thing. On Friday night we went and watched Trent's (Erica's hubby) volleyball team play in KC. It was great fun. Especially 'cause I got to hang out with this kid.................

My boy, Kingston, had me crackin' up the whole time. What a happy little kid! Smooches, Kingston!!!! Aunt Amanda loves you!

That is all for the weekend. My KUFB boys had another tough day on Saturday. Hopefully things will turn around for them soon.  Next weekend we play the #6 team in the country. Fingers crossed. I BELIEVE!




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