Wednesday, December 7, 2011


........and so am I!

It's that time of year again, and since I am most certainly going to end up on the "nice list," it's time for The Darling Diva's Christmas Wish List.  I'll admit, I'm a "wanter." I want a lot of things. So I figure there is no better time than Christmas to lay out a couple of my requests. The following aren't listed in any particular order and I don't necessarily need them all as Christmas gifts. This is more of a list for family and friends to pull off of year round! HA! I'm laughing because I know my Mom wants to KILL me right now:)

Warning: There will be lots of pink and sparkles on this if you expected any different.

#1. Beats By Dr. Dre in PINK....Our players all have these head phones and they are amazeballs.  They aren't for working out but more for the plane, train, and automobile rides we take to away games or the LONG trips home to Cali to see Emma (is the guilt trip workin', Momma?!?!) . They are totes practical too because I can use them with my iPad, iPhone, or iPod.  Love. 

Sidenote: I'm not trying to copy our players! Although they all have them, I am willing to bet NONE of them have the pink ones:)

#2. Sparkly UGGS.  Ok, I know I did a post earlier about how I bought this "great pair of sparkly fuggs" from TJ's and how proud of myself I was for not being a brand snob and splurging on real Uggs. Well, said fuggs have been worn exactly three times and already FALLEN APART. Seriously, we haven't even gotten a snow day yet!  I know authentic Uggs are 'spensive, but I think they might be necessary if I want boots that make it through the winter.  Size 10...if you were wondering:)

Now I realize that the above items are a lettle pricey, so I have also decided to iclude a more reasonable gift. I would consider it a stocking stuffer:) I included the link, just in case you all were feeling generous. HA!

Gap scarf. KU blue with just a hint of pink. Perf.

So...that is my "want list" for this holiday season.  In all honesty, I don't really need any of these things.  I already have all of the blessings that any girl could WANT.  My family and friends, including a beautiful baby neice, are healthy and happy and that is the best Christmas present EVER.....along with the Chanel sunnies that Santa is supposed to be bringing me:)



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