Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Yesterday my new floors were installed in my living room and I couldn't be more thrilled with them.  They just make my house feel so much cleaner.  My old carpet was the original carpet in the house and with a fur baby, snowy Kansas winters, and an ex-boyfriend who worked in construction, it looked like it had been through a war. I was calling Stanely Steamer once a month and the exact same stains would just come back time after time and it was making me bonkers. UGH.  Anyhoo, all those problems are behind me now and I will NEVER have to see one of those stains again.

Now I have never claimed to be a domestic diva, but I do consider myself a clean person in general. That was until I started moving my furniture out to rip up my carpet. Let's discuss: How often do you all clean under your couches? I only ask cause when I lifted my couch up to move it I found a whole junk drawer full of things under there. Total grossness. Pens, bobby pins, straws, a phone book (for reals), wrappers, and three old gossip magazines.... with Jessie and Sandra on it for gosh sakes! I was hoping to find my heart shaped Tiffany's necklace but I know that's a lost cause. I have a feeling lulu had it for lunch one day (I'll explain later).

Lulu posing with all the grossness from under the couch.

The new floor is going to take some adjusting for Lulu. She slips and slides around a bunch more but, in the end, the new flooring is a better deal for her too. Now I won't be as hesitant to leave her out of her kennel for short stretches when I'm running errands or something.

I would post pics of the finished room but I'm busy today and frankly don't the have time to field the 1.1 million phone calls from my Mom (Lora, you know what I'm talkin' about)... Move the picture frame 3 inches to the left..... Turn the lampshade a half centimeter clockwise....Did you mop the floor?!?!?! But I promise I'll post one tomorrow. For now, here is a sneak peak I took before the I put the furniture back in.........Please excuse the horrible iPhone pic................

Isn't it soooo much better? It makes the room feel humungous too.  I'm not sure what kind of maintenence it will need yet, but I'm sure I can figure it out.....or I'm sure my Mom will be calling me.



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