Tuesday, September 6, 2011


....You don't always see them, but you know they are there. 

Charlottesville was a blast and just the mini vacay I needed before school/basketball/recruiting/golf tournament/alumni weekends, etc. start up again.  The campus at UVA is amazeballs.  It looks like an Ivy League campus with all of it's huge brick buildings and sprawling green grass. 

Saturday morning (6:30 a.m.- Eventhough I was on vacation, I was visiting a coach....Sleeping doesn't win games, people!  ) we got up and Coach O took me on a tour of the campus and the athletics facilites. Charlottesville, including the surrounding areas and campus, are so rich with tradition and culture I was really impressed.

After the tour we dropped Coach O off at work because she had a recruit in town and Hudy and I headed to the bookstore and then to the local Irish Pub, McGrady's.  What a charming little place. We ended up staying there a few hours and watching college football.   After we had gotten our fill of afternoon cocktails and socializing with the locals, we headed back to the house and each took 5 hour naps (Yes, 5 hours. We were on vacation. Don't judge). We woke up to a text from Coach O. that she would be working for at least the next 4 hours so we made the executive decision to head BACK to McGrady's (If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it) to watch more college football. It was a pretty fabulous night. I discovered a new favorite drink, whip cream vodka and diet coke, AND I did my good deed for the day when I broke up a fight in the bathroom. Who knew Charlottesville would be so exciting!?!? HA!!!!  Eventually Coach O came and picked us up and we went home for the night.

Sunday she had the whole day off so we got up and went for a run (Again- staying with a coach) and then went to this little hole in wall breakfast place called Beer Run. I know the name doesn't say much but when we pulled up it was PACKED. Apparently, they specialize in Bloody Mary's so, of course, Hudy ordered one. I kept it classy and went with a mimosa.  When Hudy's drink came it was like a piece of art. It was just as delicious as it was pretty...........

After we went home and got ready (We also took a short nap.  Obvi Hudy and I are really good at taking naps. HA!) we got "all cute" and went to the movies. We saw The Help and I am now OBSESSED. I had read the book so I was extremely excited to see how the movie turned out.  Let me tell you all, GO SEE IT!!!! You will not be dissapointed. That night we went to a fancy-schmancy restaurant for dinner in downtown Charlottesville. I usually don't like fancy food, but this stuff was amazing.  I think I ate a whole family style serving of the asparagus myself!

Sunday we woke up early to go catch our plane home to Kansas.  It was so tough saying goodbye to Coach O but all the tears turned out to be unnecessary because our flight was delayed for 9 hours!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!  Instead of hanging out at the airport or a bar, we made the responisible decision and, you guessed it, went for another run (You thought I was going to say "took a nap", didn't ya?).  This time we decided to throw a little history lesson in there and  ran to Thomas Jefferson's Monitcello. The house itself was spectacular!!!!  The run was not so much fun though. The first half was straight up hill and I may have had a small personality failure when Hudy said we were going to do it TWICE!  But after it was over, I was thankful we did it (SHHHH....don't tell her I said that).  A weekend of fried foods and drinks can creep up on the waistline! HA!  We didn't end up getting home to Lawrence until about 1:00 AM.  BUMMER.  Especially since I had to get up at 5:30 a.m.  to workout.  But Lulu is still at Doggy Daycare so I didn't feel that guilty. 

I feel much better about Coach O being so far away after seeing her new digs.  UVA is an awesome school and the people she works with are fabulous (Not as fabulous as KU, but still pretty fab).  Obviously anytime I can eat, sleep, and drink my way through a weekend I will take FULL advantage of  it!. I am so proud of her and can't wait to go out and visit again. She seems pretty happy so that is all that matters to me. The UVA Women's Hoops team has a new #1 fan!!!! 

Shout out to the Jayhawk football team! Great start to the season! Keep sawin' wood boys!  ROCK CHALK, GO TIGERS, GO CHESTY LIONS, and GO CAVLIERS!



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