Monday, September 12, 2011


There are weekends that can leaving you needing another weeked and there are weekends that leave you refreshed, relaxed and ready to tackle your upcoming week. I was lucky enough to have the latter.  My weekend was awesome.

Saturday morning I spent the morning taking care of my house. After I went for a long run I cleaned, folded and put away all my laundry (That was huge. Def my least favorite chore). I changed my sheets on my bed, vacumed, dusted, worked on my landscaping outside, AND took Lulu for a walk.  I felt so accomplished by 10:00 AM.  I rewarded myself by going over to Hudson's house and playing a little bit. That kid cracks me up.

    Side note:I don't think Hudson has ever seen me with my hair washed and makeup on. He prob wouldn't recognize me. HA!

I went home and got in the shower and headed over to the football game. Manager Jamie invited me to join his tailgate so I bagged plans for my own. This guy is like a professional tailgater so he had everything planned anyways! But I couldn't go empty handed so I whipped out a batch of my famous cupcakes and headed over to the stadium.
The tailgate was fabulous. Good food, great drinks and thousands of Jayhawks to hang out with. It rained on us a little bit but that didn't dampen anybody's Jamie had a tent so my hair was saved! Crisis overted.

The game was awesome. The boys ended up pulling out a win in the final seconds (Take that ESPN "experts") and everybody in the stadium went NUTS.  There is nothing better than a night in Lawrence after a Jayhawks win. I headed out to the bars to meet up with Hudy and Coach O.  It was our friend, Steve's, birthday so we had to take him out to celebrate a litte bit! 

Sunday morning after I worked out I headed over to Lora's house to see some of my FOREVER FRIENDS.  I am pretty much the only one who isn't married with a baby (Don't feel bad for me.  I am married to my job and have a fur-baby)  and it is hard for us to find time to all get together. I see Lora all the time but, other than her, I don't get to spend enough time with them.  The house was mass chaos, but in a good way.  All the mom's tried to get a picture at the end of all the boys. This was the best we could get:

So freakin cute. I think it's so funny that everyobdy just has boys.  CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HAVE A GIRL!?!?!?! Gheesh.  Afterwards, I met up with Hudy at Louise's West for a Sunday Funday bloody mary and then headed over to Lora's Grandpa's house.  In bed by 9. Perfect day.

Please excuse all the crummy iPhone pics. I am going to be asking Santa for a new camera for Christmas.  Like a really good one. Mrs. Claus can even have my old one (which is still a nice camera) to take pics of her new grandbaby. Santa, do you hear me?

The weather is cooling down here and I am excited to pull my sweatshirts out of the closet.  My fall wardrobe is absolutely my favorite.  Bring on cute jackets and boots!



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