Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is going to be a really hard post to write without crying.....so here we go.......

Yesterday was the pretty much one of the longest days of my life. Athletics is a tough business. People come in and out of your life, chasing their dreams and chasing their championships. I've been lucky here at Kansas. This is a "destination school" so that means that people work their whole career to end up at at school like this and not a lot of people move on.  I've been blessed to work with my best friend for the past 7 years. She is moving.  Yesterday she got an amazing offer at the University of Virginia.  It is close to home for her and a slight move up career wise so she took it.  I am so sad.  But I understand. A coaches wife once said that in this profession there are friends of the road and friends of the heart. Friends of the heart are people you meet along the way and you know that you will be friends for a lifetime. I have done a lot of the "goodbyes" since I started in this profession but I haven't really felt the sting of being the one watching someone leave that I love so much. My Mom had to do this with her best friend Kiersten,  so I know that people survive. But I hurt right now. Bad.  I don't want to be selfish. This is the right thing for her to do and I KNOW she is going to be successful there. But it doesn't mean I have to like it :)  Below are some of my favorite pics and memories of my time with Katie. I know it's not a permanent goodbye but I just can't imagine not seeing her face everyday. 
I hate this line of work because of the goodbyes.....but I am thankful for the profession because without it I wouldn't have met Katie. And my life is richer for knowing her.

Katie, your adventure is just starting and I am so proud of you. You will be adored out there in Virginia and I am so jealous of all the new people you will meet. I wish you weren't leaving, but you made the right decision! I will miss you dearly but we will still talk everyday and you know that one of these days I will show up at your doorstep with a bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand, wanting you to make me some nachos. I love you!




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