Friday, May 20, 2011


What is it about going to go get your "hair-did" that makes a girl feel so good?  I love knowing that, no matter what is going on in my life, I will walk out of the "beauty parlor" feeling like a million bucks.  Last night I went and saw my girl, Penny, for some highlights and a haircut and it was just what the doctor ordered.  This weather, my Mom being gone, Hudy being gone, Lora's kiddos being sick, and the big 3-0 approaching, have left this chica a little lonely so my appointment with Penny came just in the nick of time.  Eventhough we aren't really friends outside of my time in the chair, I really enjoy her. Which is a good thing since it takes 3 hours to get my hair done (With an eyebrow wax thrown in there. Thanks, Dad, for the big and bushy uni-brow. I appreciate it).

I didn't get a good "before" picture but just imagine "squirel butt brown" roots (Coach O's words, not mine. Gotta love honest friends) paired with long blonde locks. I did get "during" and "after" shots though........

AHHHHHH......I feel whole again.  I use Bumble and Bumble products and Penny recommended a new shampoo last night. I don't mind changing it up. I don't know it it is a legit theory or not, but people say it's not good for your hair to get used to it's I ditched the Bumble and Bumble "Gentle" line, which I love by the way.....
And bought the new "Shine" products..........

I will let you know how it works but I already LOVE the name! HA!

Side note: I also use Bumble and Bumble's "Sunday" shampoo and their deep conditioning mask once a week.  Working out, hair dryers, and rollers everyday take a toll on these locks. It's kind of a pain because the mask has to be left on for 20 minutes, but it is so worth it in the end. I usually exfoliate my feet and do a Proactiv mask while I wait. It's kind of like a mini-spa day for me.....only WAY more affordable! HA!

What hair products do you like to use?

Anyhoo.......Lora said the kiddos are better so I am going to go over and hang out with them tonight and my friend Jamie and I are going to the movies tomorrow night and then to dinner and NFM to pick out a new washing machine. Wayne cancelled my workout Saturday morning so I can sleep in both days. My weekend is looking pretty good.....Mom and Hudy who? HA!  Just kidding. I can't wait for everyone to come home safe and sound.....with presents. HA!  



1 comment:

  1. You have GORGEOUS hair my dear! I am so jealous! also love bumble and bumble... i use some thickening stuff and love it! xo
