Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I am linking up again with CMAE again for Tail Wagging Tuesday.  This week's theme is: Share your pet's favorite treats. 

Lulu will eat just about ANYTHING but her faves are Greenies and she only gets them once in a while.  They are shaped like little toothbrushes and are extremely healthy for her teeth and gums. She had to get a couple of teeth removed last year (I know, I'm a bad mom) and her vet suggested we try them. Homegirl LOVED them.  I can't even keep them in sight because she goes CRAZY.  Unwrapping the package sends her into a tizzy!

Lulu's everyday treats are from Nutro, the same as her food. She gets one treat every time I leave and put her in her kennel. Although she loves these treats, she thinks they are WAY boring compared to the Greenies! HA!

Side Note: This has nothing to do with Tail Wagging Tuesday, but I had to tell. So I have been doing really well on my diet and I am seeing great results. It is so motivating when you can slip up jeans you haven't been able to wear in a while!  Anyhoo.....I am doing Atkins which, in a nutshell, is no sugar and keeping it under 20g's of carbs a day. I went on a long run this morning and got so thirsty that I stopped and picked up a liter drink at the gas station. I picked up a Sobe Life Water Zero.  Drank the whole thing. THEN looked at the nutrition contents.  That thing had over 25g's of carbs! WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?! That is more carbs then I am allowed in one day!  Bummed.  Lesson learned though.  ALWAYS look at the nutrition label. Even if something is zero sugar and zero calories, it doesn't mean it's carb free too! 




  1. Lulu is so cute! And that stinks about your drink taking your entire intake of carbs for the day, that's crazy!

  2. My pup loves the Greenies too, but he doesn't get them often either...I should probably start that! Such sweet pictures :)

  3. Aspen loves Greenies too..I didn't take a pic of those!! Thanks for linking up!
