Hey guys (well Dad) and gals! When I started this blog I decided that I was going to tell about my life honestly, the good and the bad. There is no sense in pretending my life is perfect. It isn't. But it is pretty great! I have very few bad days but I have to admit, today I am driving the "struggle bus." Whenever a player has a bad practice, trouble in the class room, or makes a bad decision, Bonnie says that she is riding the "struggle bus." Welp, I think today I am DRIVING the struggle bus. Ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? Welcome to June 30th, 2011.
I started out the day early......like 12:10 a.m. when I woke up to HUGE and itchy hives COVERING my body. My stomach, my legs, my back, my personal areas. And I mean these suckers were as big as quarters! I just couldn't stop scratching. IT WAS HELL. I got up and ripped all the covers off my bed, thinking there must be a family of misquitos buried in my sheets. Nope, no bugs. Then I remembered that I had spent the night after dinner outside weeding while Lulu ran around and enjoyed the nice weather. I guess the saying is true...No good deed goes unpunished. I probably sat in an ant farm or something. GHEESH. To make matters worse, these welts will not look cute on the boat this weekend, and they don't look like they are going away anytime soon!
Since I couldn't sleep I got up early and tried to get dressed for a run, but realized that I had forgotten my sports bras at work. GHEESH. So I had to drive into work (Only after getting in my car and realizing I had no gas. $70 spent before 6 am. GEESH). I got to work (still itching) and got dressed to workout and realized I had forgotten a REGULAR bra to wear during the day. So I had to go BACK to my house and grab one. By then it was too late to workout. GHEESH.
I am also having a really hard time with the no diet soda thing. It's not so much the no diet soda, it's the no caffine. I just don't know if I am equiped to kick that habit right now. I am still trying, but it aint easy! I know it's only day 2 but I am DYING for a fountain diet coke...... GHEESH.
Anyways, this morning hasn't started off great but I already feel better after writing this blog entry. Thanks for listening to my venting! Today is the last day of camp and Hudson is coming to visit. Ann is brining me some anti-itch lotion and Benedryl so things should get better soon.
I want off this dang BUS!!!!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I can't believe I have forgetten to tell about this.....One of the most exciting things happened to me yesterday.
So here is the scoop: I was down at camp and one of our players, Monica, told me that my hair reminded her of Kim Zolziack's from The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Whoot Whoot! Seriously.....that was a goal of mine. When I was home in Cali my Momma asked me how long I was going to grow my hair out and I said I wanted it to look like one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Okay, I said Orange County, but I will take Atlanta as a starting point. Monica is also my new fave kid on the team...... Compliments go very far with me! HA!
Disclaimer: I think Kim is a total trashbag. But I do love her hair. And, even better, mine is real.
So here is the scoop: I was down at camp and one of our players, Monica, told me that my hair reminded her of Kim Zolziack's from The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Whoot Whoot! Seriously.....that was a goal of mine. When I was home in Cali my Momma asked me how long I was going to grow my hair out and I said I wanted it to look like one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Okay, I said Orange County, but I will take Atlanta as a starting point. Monica is also my new fave kid on the team...... Compliments go very far with me! HA!
Disclaimer: I think Kim is a total trashbag. But I do love her hair. And, even better, mine is real.
Watcha think? Close? I know you are all jelly.
Anyhoo, I am giving up diet soda today. Period. Cold turkey. I read yesterday that people who drank diet soda had a waistline 7 times bigger than ones who didn't (Or something like that. Not sure of the specifics but it was on MSNBC.com so I know it's legit). I have been wanting to do this for a while, but I had to tackle the carb issue first. Check back with me around 2:00 and I'll let you know how it's going. All I know is that my waistline better look like this by next week...........................
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hi Ya'all!!!! Sorry I have been kinda MIA on the blogging.......But, to be honest, there hasn't been much to report and I am totally ok with that. Sometimes no news is good news. Camp is chugging along and we are officially in the home stretch. Only three more days TOTAL and no more registrations (insert angel chorus here).
I just wanted to share my latest find during some late night internet window shopping. Damn the iPad. It has made it WAY to easy to shop while falling asleep. Then I end up dreaming about the clothes/purses/jewelry/puppies/cars. But don't worry, I rarely ever buy anything......I am fully aware that I have champagne taste on a beer budget. That being said, we all know I can't resist my girl, Tory Burch. And now she is speakin my language on a whole nother level......Check out these adorable kicks she just released..................
And, at only $125, I think this is a splurge I can afford to make (Only after I pay ALL my bills, Mom. DUH). The only question I have been asking myself is beige or blue? Decisions, decisions........
But I don't want you guys to think I am COMPLETELY shelfish though.....I also picked out these little gems for Tiny. How presh are they? Yes, those are pink rhinestones covering the shoe. Boy, I am in BIG touble when this little diva born..........................
Check out this hilarious pic that Lora's Aunt Charlotte sent me the other night. Remember the red boas everyone got at my suprise birthday party? She went home and put it on her Great Dane. So funny!
Welp, that's all I have for today! Coach O just told me she booked a flight to come home for 4th of July weekend. I'm gonna pull out the new bikini! I. CAN'T. WAIT.
I just wanted to share my latest find during some late night internet window shopping. Damn the iPad. It has made it WAY to easy to shop while falling asleep. Then I end up dreaming about the clothes/purses/jewelry/puppies/cars. But don't worry, I rarely ever buy anything......I am fully aware that I have champagne taste on a beer budget. That being said, we all know I can't resist my girl, Tory Burch. And now she is speakin my language on a whole nother level......Check out these adorable kicks she just released..................
And, at only $125, I think this is a splurge I can afford to make (Only after I pay ALL my bills, Mom. DUH). The only question I have been asking myself is beige or blue? Decisions, decisions........
But I don't want you guys to think I am COMPLETELY shelfish though.....I also picked out these little gems for Tiny. How presh are they? Yes, those are pink rhinestones covering the shoe. Boy, I am in BIG touble when this little diva born..........................
Check out this hilarious pic that Lora's Aunt Charlotte sent me the other night. Remember the red boas everyone got at my suprise birthday party? She went home and put it on her Great Dane. So funny!
Welp, that's all I have for today! Coach O just told me she booked a flight to come home for 4th of July weekend. I'm gonna pull out the new bikini! I. CAN'T. WAIT.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
It's Saturday mornin' and, while most of the free world is sleeping in, I am at the Bonnie Henrickson Basketball Camp registration table ONCE AGAIN. This morning wasn't that bad though. Reg doesn't open until 9:00 am so I didn't have to be here until 8:15. I was still able to workout, shower, and primp before I came in. Side note: I'm pretty sure Cappy didn't need me here until 8:30 but I don't exactly have the best camp track record for timeliness. So she told me 8:15. Touche, Cappy. TOUCHE. Today should be particulary interesting because an ex-boyfriend (No, not HIM from the infamous "unanswered prayers" post) has a team participating. Although it isn't HIM, I was young when we dated so the breakup was equally as dramatic and painful. Complete with tears, sickness, some stalking from Lora and I, Mom having to fly out from Cali, and me swearing I would never love again, etc........
Anyhoo, Bryan and I actually get along now. Well, that's a lie.....we tolerate eachother and I don't FREAK out when I see him anymore. HA! He actually had the NERVE to call me last week and request his first game not be before 9 am because he had a bachelor party to attend the night before. Then he invited me to the party......AS IF!!!!! I told him not to hold his breath on the game time, or the party for that matter, because karma is a bish and so am I. HA! Fortunately for him, Cappy didn't schedule any games before 9. Dang, I was really hoping this was my chance to make his life as miz and he made mine 8 short years ago. I know, us Leland women tend to hold on to things a smidge too long. HA!
So here I sit, waiting for all teams to register, sporting my sexiest/cutest KU shirt possible. I want him to REALLY REGRET dumping me and moving on. Pretty sure he's gonna. HA!
Anyhoo, Bryan and I actually get along now. Well, that's a lie.....we tolerate eachother and I don't FREAK out when I see him anymore. HA! He actually had the NERVE to call me last week and request his first game not be before 9 am because he had a bachelor party to attend the night before. Then he invited me to the party......AS IF!!!!! I told him not to hold his breath on the game time, or the party for that matter, because karma is a bish and so am I. HA! Fortunately for him, Cappy didn't schedule any games before 9. Dang, I was really hoping this was my chance to make his life as miz and he made mine 8 short years ago. I know, us Leland women tend to hold on to things a smidge too long. HA!
So here I sit, waiting for all teams to register, sporting my sexiest/cutest KU shirt possible. I want him to REALLY REGRET dumping me and moving on. Pretty sure he's gonna. HA!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
So last night I pretty much got one of the most exciting phone calls of my life. It was a typical Wednesday night. Got home from work around 7, changed my clothes, and took Lulu for a short walk. Too many treats at Doggy Daycare has left my girl a little plump so we are now on two workouts a day. We returned home to a missed call from my little bro. I called him right back and I could tell in his voice that he had exciting news.....He and Robin are having a baby GIRL!!!!!!!! I am sooooo excited. I mean, I would have loved the baby no matter the gender, and my only request was that Tiny was healthy......but, come on, we all know I wanted a little Diva-in-Training! I am so happy for both Bo and Robin. I know Bo is going to be the best "girl daddy" because he had the perfect role model in my Dad. Also, he has A LOT of life experience on how to deal with the emotions of girls. He survived me in high school and we all know how emotional THAT was. HA!!!!! She is the first girl on Robin's side of the family and the first grandbaby on our side so she will for sure be the princess. When I text Lora she just text me back, "Finally a girl. She is going to be so spoiled." Amen, sistah. I just hope she doesn't steal any attention away from me! HA! I assume I will keep my title as Pricess and let her be Vice Princess....I'll call her "V.P." for short.
I found this little gem on the internet last night.........OBVIOUSLY.........
Welp, it's a beautiful day here. I wish I could head out to the lake but I am stuck here at camp. So I will pay tribute to the beautiful weather with some cute pics of baby girl swimsuits (yes, I am already shopping).
Tiny will have all of these. Every girl needs options, even infants.
I found this little gem on the internet last night.........OBVIOUSLY.........
Welp, it's a beautiful day here. I wish I could head out to the lake but I am stuck here at camp. So I will pay tribute to the beautiful weather with some cute pics of baby girl swimsuits (yes, I am already shopping).
Tiny will have all of these. Every girl needs options, even infants.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
WARNING: I apologize for the janky blog post. I am having trouble with my formatting today.
All right sistahs....I need some help. Usually I am totally capable of choosing my own accessories but I have had this iPad for over a month now and haven't been able to pull the trigger on buying a case! UNHEARD OF! I have searched high and low on several websites and decided that Nordys is the way to go (Bonus: I have a birthday gift certificate from Bo, Robin, and Tiny. LOVE Nordys.) I check the website everyday and have narrowed it down to my final two choices................
The puple is Marc Jacobs. The black is some designer I haven't heard of. Both are within my gift certificate range. Both are darling. I am a little concerned about the white bow on the first one. It might get dirty and that would BUG. On the other hand, eventhough purple is my favorite color besides leopard print, it is also the color that represents K-State. Doesn't bother me, but I know some people at work would have comments to make. UGH, decisions!
I could just bag both ideas and go with my DREAM ipad case. Certainly not in my price range but totally worth the splurge. I mean, it's only money. Can't take it with you when you die, right?!?! (I kid, Mom. I will make the responsible choice. You can trust me. :) ). But, just for kicks, I'll post the pic anyways so you all can all drool with me.
Isn't is to die?!?! I'll let you all know what I decide but I am going to make the jump soon. This gift certificate is burning a hole in my wallet!
Things here at work are still going crazy. Camp is still chugging along and July recruiting is starting to be planned. Can it be August yet? I hear Italy calling my name!
All right sistahs....I need some help. Usually I am totally capable of choosing my own accessories but I have had this iPad for over a month now and haven't been able to pull the trigger on buying a case! UNHEARD OF! I have searched high and low on several websites and decided that Nordys is the way to go (Bonus: I have a birthday gift certificate from Bo, Robin, and Tiny. LOVE Nordys.) I check the website everyday and have narrowed it down to my final two choices................
The puple is Marc Jacobs. The black is some designer I haven't heard of. Both are within my gift certificate range. Both are darling. I am a little concerned about the white bow on the first one. It might get dirty and that would BUG. On the other hand, eventhough purple is my favorite color besides leopard print, it is also the color that represents K-State. Doesn't bother me, but I know some people at work would have comments to make. UGH, decisions!
I could just bag both ideas and go with my DREAM ipad case. Certainly not in my price range but totally worth the splurge. I mean, it's only money. Can't take it with you when you die, right?!?! (I kid, Mom. I will make the responsible choice. You can trust me. :) ). But, just for kicks, I'll post the pic anyways so you all can all drool with me.
Isn't is to die?!?! I'll let you all know what I decide but I am going to make the jump soon. This gift certificate is burning a hole in my wallet!
Things here at work are still going crazy. Camp is still chugging along and July recruiting is starting to be planned. Can it be August yet? I hear Italy calling my name!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I am a smart girl. I am a funny girl. I am a pretty girl. I am an athletic girl. I am a loving girl. But one thing I am NOT is a "fix-it" girl. That's why I got so excited this weekend when I did the unthinkable......I fixed my own toilet seat. Some of you may have noticed that I mentioned a couple of times about needing to fix my toilet seat in my master bathroom. Welp, I woke up Sunday morning and BOOM...decided it was the day to conquer "the throne". Frankly, I was sick of having my bum pinched everytime I sat down. Everyone can pick their jaws up off the ground now. It really wasn't that hard. I grabbed my handy-dandy toolbox that my Auntie Chris gave my upon HS graduation. Yes, it is over 11 years old and the contents haven't been updated since then except for my own little additions. Bobby pins, post it notes, an old makeup sponge (I think I tried to paint something with it once), excess rhinestones, broken jewelry now occupy most of the space but it still has all the essentials for a young and single girl!!! Turns out I didn't really need the tools anyways. Oh well. At least it got dusted off.
TA DAAAAAA!!!! Here it is....all fixed up and pretty with no more duck tape.
On top of my new found confidence in my fix-it skills there was another silver lining to all this......my new found LOVE of Home Depot. Not so much because I love the products they sell or the ambiance in their stores.......but most certainly for the cute boys they have working there. I think I saw one in every aisle. Sign me up for a Home Depot card! Holllaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
TA DAAAAAA!!!! Here it is....all fixed up and pretty with no more duck tape.
On top of my new found confidence in my fix-it skills there was another silver lining to all this......my new found LOVE of Home Depot. Not so much because I love the products they sell or the ambiance in their stores.......but most certainly for the cute boys they have working there. I think I saw one in every aisle. Sign me up for a Home Depot card! Holllaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 20, 2011
WARNING: Longest post EVER. But my trip was FAB so I have to share.........
Sorry for the long pause in blogging.......I went home this weekend to my parents house and it was just what the doctor prescribed for this homesick chica. My family has been through a lot in the last sixth months. I've lost my uncle, my grandma, and my grandpa. It's been tough on everyone, but especially my Dad. I was so happy to be able to go home and hang out with Ballgame. After an 8 hour travel day and my mom being LATE to pick me up, I hope he felt the love. HA! We did a lot of just hanging out, which was perfect. My little brother, Mr. Really Busy Cop Man, even came down and took me out to lunch. I'm so special. There is no way I could tell everything that went on.....but here are some of the major highlights.......
I got to sun myself everyday at Le Spa D'Leland (the 'rents house).
We had to take Crystal to the vet. She had a little plastic surgery (this only happens in Califonia) to remove some growths on her face. In all the fuss over my Grandpa, my Mom had forgotten to get the stitches out so I volunteered to go with them to offer moral support......
After all the errands, Mom and I also did a little bonding (shopping). My favorite find? This glam purse my Mom actually discovered. I love it 'cause I can wear it with gold or silver, dressed up or dressed down, with black or brown. On top of all that it has tons of sparkle. And what girl doesn't love that?!?! It really has endless options and since I'm on a budget (or try to be on one) I need that in my accessories..........
I couldn't find a pic of my new flip flops that I got from Dillards. Leopard print with a rhinestone bow. DIE. They will be perfect for those hot nights in Italy when I will be strolling along with the random Italian hunk I have met on my trip. I know, I wish. The reality is I will be traveling with 15 players and 6 coaches/staff members that would NEVER let me get away with something like that (without some major teasing, anyways) but a girl can still dream, right?!?! SIGH. I also picked up some red bling earings for the lake. They match my new swimsuit perfectly so I will definetly be making a statement out at Clinton Lake. HA!
The week wasn't all play though....We did have to throw some of my Dad's work stuff in there too. These pools and purses don't pay for themselves people! HA! We had the Pacific softball and golf coaches over for dinner to celebrate their NCAA tournament seasons. My favorite part of these dinners is seeing how my Momma sets her table. She is even better than Martha Stewart. Stefanie Stewart.
Temptation is everywhere for me in California because it has several fast food places I love but can't get in KS. Jack in the Box and In and Out are the top two. I am actually thankful we don't have them because I would easliy be like 400lbs. I was able to stick to my diet though because of this place.....my parents outdoor kitchen. Teddy Ballgame can grill some delish and carb friendly steaks and hamburgers so that's what we did most nights. The outdoor kitchen is certainly my most favorite place on earth...........
Eventhough Mom and I did some serious damage to her credit card (we chose to think about it as helping the economy) my favorite things I got were things we didn't have to buy. My Mom got this tiny red glass heart from Hungary. She had given me the turquiose ones when I moved into my house and I think the little red one is the perfect addition to the clan. They are kept on my Mackenzie Childs heart, which was also a gift from my Mom. Do you sense a theme with her gifts to me? We really must HEART each other. HA!
Sorry for the long pause in blogging.......I went home this weekend to my parents house and it was just what the doctor prescribed for this homesick chica. My family has been through a lot in the last sixth months. I've lost my uncle, my grandma, and my grandpa. It's been tough on everyone, but especially my Dad. I was so happy to be able to go home and hang out with Ballgame. After an 8 hour travel day and my mom being LATE to pick me up, I hope he felt the love. HA! We did a lot of just hanging out, which was perfect. My little brother, Mr. Really Busy Cop Man, even came down and took me out to lunch. I'm so special. There is no way I could tell everything that went on.....but here are some of the major highlights.......
I got to sun myself everyday at Le Spa D'Leland (the 'rents house).
We had to take Crystal to the vet. She had a little plastic surgery (this only happens in Califonia) to remove some growths on her face. In all the fuss over my Grandpa, my Mom had forgotten to get the stitches out so I volunteered to go with them to offer moral support......
She just realized we were NOT going to Auntie Chris's....panic sets in.........
All done! Isn't she puuuurdy?!?! You can tell her confidence level is already up! HA!
After all the errands, Mom and I also did a little bonding (shopping). My favorite find? This glam purse my Mom actually discovered. I love it 'cause I can wear it with gold or silver, dressed up or dressed down, with black or brown. On top of all that it has tons of sparkle. And what girl doesn't love that?!?! It really has endless options and since I'm on a budget (or try to be on one) I need that in my accessories..........
I couldn't find a pic of my new flip flops that I got from Dillards. Leopard print with a rhinestone bow. DIE. They will be perfect for those hot nights in Italy when I will be strolling along with the random Italian hunk I have met on my trip. I know, I wish. The reality is I will be traveling with 15 players and 6 coaches/staff members that would NEVER let me get away with something like that (without some major teasing, anyways) but a girl can still dream, right?!?! SIGH. I also picked up some red bling earings for the lake. They match my new swimsuit perfectly so I will definetly be making a statement out at Clinton Lake. HA!
The week wasn't all play though....We did have to throw some of my Dad's work stuff in there too. These pools and purses don't pay for themselves people! HA! We had the Pacific softball and golf coaches over for dinner to celebrate their NCAA tournament seasons. My favorite part of these dinners is seeing how my Momma sets her table. She is even better than Martha Stewart. Stefanie Stewart.
Temptation is everywhere for me in California because it has several fast food places I love but can't get in KS. Jack in the Box and In and Out are the top two. I am actually thankful we don't have them because I would easliy be like 400lbs. I was able to stick to my diet though because of this place.....my parents outdoor kitchen. Teddy Ballgame can grill some delish and carb friendly steaks and hamburgers so that's what we did most nights. The outdoor kitchen is certainly my most favorite place on earth...........
Eventhough Mom and I did some serious damage to her credit card (we chose to think about it as helping the economy) my favorite things I got were things we didn't have to buy. My Mom got this tiny red glass heart from Hungary. She had given me the turquiose ones when I moved into my house and I think the little red one is the perfect addition to the clan. They are kept on my Mackenzie Childs heart, which was also a gift from my Mom. Do you sense a theme with her gifts to me? We really must HEART each other. HA!
Probably the most special thing I got was a pin from my Grandpa's military uniform. I searched through a huge bag of memoriabilia and found this little gem......
How cute will it look on my coat this winter? I got several beautiful jewelry pieces from my Grandma. I wear most of them everyday. I love that I now have something from my Grandpa and will wear it proudly. Love you Grandpa!
Anyhoo.....there are tons of other stories and tid bits from my trip, but I just don't have time to list them all. Like when we called the police for a noise compliant on our neighbors, only to realize we couldn't hear the noise if we were INSIDE the house. In all honest, we were really just mad we weren't invited to the party HA! I am so thankful to Bonnie that she let me take this unexpected time off to go home and help my family regroup from the past 6 months. Eventhough it's been hard we still have a lot to be thankful for.
I get to go pick up Lulu at lunch and I am so excited............It was lonely last night without her.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day to the greatest man I know....Teddy Ballgame.
Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for loving my brother and me unconditionally. Thank you for being a wonderful husband to our mother. Thank you for being the greatest provider. Thank you for being so funny. Thank you for running with me every morning before high school. Thank you for being the referee between Mom and me and thank you for always making us both feel like we won the arugment. Thank you for giving the BEST advice. Thank you for always being right. Thank you for TRYING to tutor me in math when I was in jr high. Thank you for realizing that was a bad idea. Thank you for not dissowning me when I crashed Mom's new car into pillars when I was 15. Thank you for pocket dialing my 20 times a day. HAHAHAHA!
Long story short.....THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!
I love you so BIG!!!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Not much to report from the weekend. Pretty boring stuff, but sometimes boring is good. Camp ended at noon on Saturday so I got a whole lot accomplished around my house and with my laundry situation. And let me tell you, THAT was a situation. I am happy to report that my guest room in now back to a guest room and all my 35 loads of laundry (only a slight exageration) are folded, hung and put away. LOVE that. I have this thing about leaving on a trip and having my house be perfect. I think I get it from my Mom. Coming home to a clean house after being away is really nice. I love everything about my little house except for my carpet in my living room. That is the next situation I have to tackle. I did get out a little bit and ran a few errands. I haven't been able to find a iPhone 4 cover that I love without breaking the bank so I took matters into my own hands and made my own. I got a $4.99 pink cover from TJ MAXX and then scooted over to Micheals and bought some stickers....TA-DAAAAAAA:
It's isn't what I want for my "forever cover" but for right now I think it is really cute. Other than that, not much more to report from the weekend. I worked out both days, and hung out with Hudy and the dogs both nights. We went over and visited our friend Karen last night and hung out with her family. Hudy and Ashlyn (Karen's daughter) went after it on the hoop in their driveway. Hudy, of course, showed no mercy eventhough Aslyn in 6. Typical.
One thing that I didn't accomplish was getting any sun. I missed the boat day because I thought I had to meet the camp pizza guy at noon on Saturday. Turns out my job was given to someone else without anybody telling me. GRRRRRRRR! It was the most perfect boat day too. Oh well, I will get plenty of sun at my parents house.
Anyhoo.....I just have a few more hours before I leave and tonight I will be sleeping in my room in California. Love that. I forgot to check into my flight so I got a "B-52". All you Southwest people know what I'm talking about. I can't even tell my Dad. He will dissown me. We don't get anything less then "A" in our family.
I can't wait to be in California and see my family. We have had a lot of loss over the past year and I hope that everyone can start healing soon. I'm going to steal KU basketball's motto from this season.... "F.O.E." ....Family Over Everything.
It's isn't what I want for my "forever cover" but for right now I think it is really cute. Other than that, not much more to report from the weekend. I worked out both days, and hung out with Hudy and the dogs both nights. We went over and visited our friend Karen last night and hung out with her family. Hudy and Ashlyn (Karen's daughter) went after it on the hoop in their driveway. Hudy, of course, showed no mercy eventhough Aslyn in 6. Typical.
One thing that I didn't accomplish was getting any sun. I missed the boat day because I thought I had to meet the camp pizza guy at noon on Saturday. Turns out my job was given to someone else without anybody telling me. GRRRRRRRR! It was the most perfect boat day too. Oh well, I will get plenty of sun at my parents house.
Anyhoo.....I just have a few more hours before I leave and tonight I will be sleeping in my room in California. Love that. I forgot to check into my flight so I got a "B-52". All you Southwest people know what I'm talking about. I can't even tell my Dad. He will dissown me. We don't get anything less then "A" in our family.
I can't wait to be in California and see my family. We have had a lot of loss over the past year and I hope that everyone can start healing soon. I'm going to steal KU basketball's motto from this season.... "F.O.E." ....Family Over Everything.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
My Grandpa passed away yesterday morning. I missed him by just a few days. The last few months wasn't pretty so I am thankful that he is in a more comfortable place now. The last time I saw my Grandpa he wasn't doing well at all and I'm sad that him in the hospital is the last image I have of him. I know memories are what I make them so I choose to remember my Grandpa as a grandpa, a father, a husband, a war hero, a friend, an athlete, a volunteer, and a car lover. That guy ALWAYS had the coolest cars. He and my Dad had a wonderful and close relationship. He was soo proud of my Dad and I know my Dad was proud of him. I will miss his stories. He told the best stories. I am still going home on Monday to see my family and I can't wait to give everyone a squeeze.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Welp, we survived day 1! Everyone is still smiling! It actually wasn't that bad....just a few hiccups, but that is normal. No cute single dads yet but we still have 3 camps to go so I am holding out hope. The social at Bonnie's house was good except for the fact that her movie theater screen didn't work so we had to call a technician. Rich people problems! HA! I haven't really been following the NBA finals so I had no clue who to root for. Last night I chose the Heat because they have a couple of KU players. Usually I go on jeresy colors if I don't really have a favorite.
I got home pretty late and woke up early to workout. I am one of those people who needs 8 hours of sleep MINIMUM to survive. I will def be relying heavily on caffine today. We go with camp all day and then another social tonight. It is pouring rain here so that is a bummer. Thank goodness basketball is an indoor sport. HA! I was switching bags from my purse to the camp-friendly backpack (blah) and I realized that there were some things I just couldn't get through the day with out. My "camp survival kit" contains the following:
My phone. Our office is in CONSTANT communication. I mean, the last text I got last night was at 11:23 PM last night. No, during camp, we don't sleep. I have Bonnie calling, Cappy texting, Brooke emailing, and me sneaking peeks at my facebook in between sessions. The phone is our lifeline:
Fountain Diet Coke. This one is specific. Not plastic-bottle Diet Coke. The kind you get at a gas station or Sonic. With the rabbit pebble ice. I would take a can in a pinch but def prefer the fountain drink. My co-workers know if they want to get me to do something for them.....bring me a fountain diet coke.
My "lippy." My lipstick. MAC Sappho is the standard summer color but I would put anything with a dark pink/light red tint on. When I'm feeling/looking tired (today) it brightens up my face. As my Momma says, "Lipstick is the exclamation point on your face!" Word.
Comfortable shoes. I do a LOT of walking during camp. We operate out of three gyms, our office, and the dorms. I am supposed to be rocking Adidas kicks, but I go with sparkly Toms. Close enough. I have them in three colors- black, silver and gold. I L.O.V.E. my TOMS.
My favorite co-workers. Of course I'm missing Coach O. but the cupboard wasn't left bare. I still have a whole office full of great peeps that I get to spend A LOT of camp time with:) I couldn't do it without them :)
So anyhoo, I don't know if any of you are planning on runnning/starting your own camp this summer (not recommended) but at least you know what gets me through these days. HA! Our office motto during June is basically, "Survive and move on." HA!
I got home pretty late and woke up early to workout. I am one of those people who needs 8 hours of sleep MINIMUM to survive. I will def be relying heavily on caffine today. We go with camp all day and then another social tonight. It is pouring rain here so that is a bummer. Thank goodness basketball is an indoor sport. HA! I was switching bags from my purse to the camp-friendly backpack (blah) and I realized that there were some things I just couldn't get through the day with out. My "camp survival kit" contains the following:
My phone. Our office is in CONSTANT communication. I mean, the last text I got last night was at 11:23 PM last night. No, during camp, we don't sleep. I have Bonnie calling, Cappy texting, Brooke emailing, and me sneaking peeks at my facebook in between sessions. The phone is our lifeline:
Fountain Diet Coke. This one is specific. Not plastic-bottle Diet Coke. The kind you get at a gas station or Sonic. With the rabbit pebble ice. I would take a can in a pinch but def prefer the fountain drink. My co-workers know if they want to get me to do something for them.....bring me a fountain diet coke.
My "lippy." My lipstick. MAC Sappho is the standard summer color but I would put anything with a dark pink/light red tint on. When I'm feeling/looking tired (today) it brightens up my face. As my Momma says, "Lipstick is the exclamation point on your face!" Word.
Comfortable shoes. I do a LOT of walking during camp. We operate out of three gyms, our office, and the dorms. I am supposed to be rocking Adidas kicks, but I go with sparkly Toms. Close enough. I have them in three colors- black, silver and gold. I L.O.V.E. my TOMS.
My favorite co-workers. Of course I'm missing Coach O. but the cupboard wasn't left bare. I still have a whole office full of great peeps that I get to spend A LOT of camp time with:) I couldn't do it without them :)
So anyhoo, I don't know if any of you are planning on runnning/starting your own camp this summer (not recommended) but at least you know what gets me through these days. HA! Our office motto during June is basically, "Survive and move on." HA!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
It's JUNE and, around here, that means CAMP season. To most people on the outside, camp is a wonderful thing. Kids playing, meeting new friends, meeting our players (who are the counselors) and honing their basketball skills. Parents enjoy some free time. But to those of us who actually run the camps, CAMP is a four letter word. Bonnie Henrickson Basketball Camp starts today. You can smell it in the air. Brooke has her registration "bible" out, the coaches have their drills and itineraries tucked in their pocket, the managers have the stations set up and Cappy (our fearless camp director) has her economy size bottle of excederine-migranie in her backpack. Everything is running smoothly so far except it is HOT HOT HOT here and one of our gyms is not air conditioned. I have fielded no less then 1,000 phone calls from camp parents throughout the year. Let me tell you, it's not as easy as it sounds....... Do you supervise the kids in the dorm? (No, we let them run wild and free. If they haven't learned their survival skills by 10 years old, this isn't the camp for them.) It says on the camp forms that they will need baskteball shoes. My child just has sneakers. Will those be ok? (No, unless your 12 year old has an authentic pair of Adidas basketball shoes, she will not be allowed at camp.) Do you provide water for the campers? (Nope, Bonnie has a strict rule against water. We like to teach toughness at our camp.) I mean, SERIOUSLY?!?!
This first camp we run is our Elite Camp which is actually my favorite because we use it as a huge recruiting tool. I won't go into the boring "industry explanation" of what that means....The "Amanda explination" is that we get to have coaches socials every night........YES!!!!! Bonnie and Cappy let me run those. I mean, they have me on staff for a reason people! Tonight is hanging out at Bonnie's and watching the NBA Finals. Tomorrow night is Johnny's Tavern. I talked Bonnie into an "open tab" so things could get interesting.
In all seriousness though, I do really enjoy camp time. The kids, for the most part, are cute and it's fun to see our players interacting with them. It really is more of a relaxed atmosphere in the office too. Except for Cappy, who has already taken half her bottle of Excedrine!
Today I'm suppoused to be in the camp-issued polo and khakis but Cappy knows not to hold her breath on that one....I mean, what if there is a cute and single dad?
I'm off to registration!
This first camp we run is our Elite Camp which is actually my favorite because we use it as a huge recruiting tool. I won't go into the boring "industry explanation" of what that means....The "Amanda explination" is that we get to have coaches socials every night........YES!!!!! Bonnie and Cappy let me run those. I mean, they have me on staff for a reason people! Tonight is hanging out at Bonnie's and watching the NBA Finals. Tomorrow night is Johnny's Tavern. I talked Bonnie into an "open tab" so things could get interesting.
In all seriousness though, I do really enjoy camp time. The kids, for the most part, are cute and it's fun to see our players interacting with them. It really is more of a relaxed atmosphere in the office too. Except for Cappy, who has already taken half her bottle of Excedrine!
Today I'm suppoused to be in the camp-issued polo and khakis but Cappy knows not to hold her breath on that one....I mean, what if there is a cute and single dad?
I'm off to registration!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
An ode to leopard print!
Last night,as I was straigtening up my room after a long day that included four outfit changes (a.m. workout....work....p.m. workout....dinner/cocktails with friends), I noticed a glaring trend in my wardrobe. LEOPARD PRINT. I have never denied my love for animal print. Zebra, tiger and leopard...they are all good. But leopard has alway been the fave. It has been a staple since high school. I started pulling all of my leopard pieces out and putting them on my bed and I reallized....I might be a little obsessed. I totally consider it a neutral. I mean, what color does leopard print not go with?!?!!? I've included below some of my favorite leopard print finds. Some I already own. Some I am lusting over. What do you think? Is leopard print a neutral?
Last night,as I was straigtening up my room after a long day that included four outfit changes (a.m. workout....work....p.m. workout....dinner/cocktails with friends), I noticed a glaring trend in my wardrobe. LEOPARD PRINT. I have never denied my love for animal print. Zebra, tiger and leopard...they are all good. But leopard has alway been the fave. It has been a staple since high school. I started pulling all of my leopard pieces out and putting them on my bed and I reallized....I might be a little obsessed. I totally consider it a neutral. I mean, what color does leopard print not go with?!?!!? I've included below some of my favorite leopard print finds. Some I already own. Some I am lusting over. What do you think? Is leopard print a neutral?
Below is my favorite leopard print thing I own. My COACH sneaks. Not only did I get them at a great price....$59.99, they are sooooo comfy. Again....I can wear them with ANY color and they match perfectly!!!
Now...here is the leopard print I am LUSTING for ( Tory Burch Reva in size 10.....just in case you all are feeling the giving spirit. Ha!) Aren't they just perfection? I have to save my pennies though....these puppies aren't cheap.....but they will look totally cute on my footsies this fall during football season!
Below are two cocktail rings that I have from Betsey Johnson. She is the queen of leopard print! Aren't they cute? I usually just throw them on when I'm feeling that my outfit is lacking a lil something. Thanks, Mom and Leslie......I rock them all the time.

WARNING: Don't be fooled. Not all leopard print is good leopard print. There are some cheesy imitations out there. A general rule is if it looks like something the Flinstones wore, don't go there. I trust you to use your best judgement, but if there is a question....just ask me! Ha!
Anyhoo, I hope this inspires you to add a little animal to your wardrobe. It doesn't need to be a lot...just a simple accessory can bring out your wild side! GRRRRRRRRRRR!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I am a pretty self reliant girl. I don't really depend on anyone or anything to survive but myself (I kid. I couldn't even get that out without laughing in my head). I have HUGE dependency issues, we all know this. I depend on a lot of people. I depend on my parents, my friends, my brother, my boss, my puppy...... I also depend on THINGS. My car, my phone, my hair rollers, Proactiv....I could go on and on. One thing I never really appreciated was my washer/ dryer. That is, until it no longer worked. It konked out on my during the BIG XII tournament this year. Could there be a worse time? NOPE. And after three months, two service calls, and about $400 in repair fees, it quit for good. I don't really blame it. It takes a lot of laundry loads to keep and active young lady, with three wardrobe changes a day, clean. I am so excited because this morning
they delivered my brand new washer and dryer:
TA DAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!Isn't she pretty?!?!?!?! Thanks, Mom and Dad for the belated birthday present. I am going to see how long I can stretch this 30th birthday out :)....Hopefully I will still be getting birthday gifts for the next six months!
I am feeling a little down today. Maybe it's the hot weather. Maybe it's "my time of the month." Maybe it's because I am so tired. Who knows. I am going to go home tonight, eat my fresh strawberry salad, and wash my sheets. There is nothing better than to slip into bed with clean sheets. And now I won't have to go to a laundry mat to get that done! This day is looking up already! HA!
they delivered my brand new washer and dryer:
TA DAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!Isn't she pretty?!?!?!?! Thanks, Mom and Dad for the belated birthday present. I am going to see how long I can stretch this 30th birthday out :)....Hopefully I will still be getting birthday gifts for the next six months!
I am feeling a little down today. Maybe it's the hot weather. Maybe it's "my time of the month." Maybe it's because I am so tired. Who knows. I am going to go home tonight, eat my fresh strawberry salad, and wash my sheets. There is nothing better than to slip into bed with clean sheets. And now I won't have to go to a laundry mat to get that done! This day is looking up already! HA!
Monday, June 6, 2011
This weekend can be described with four words...FUN IN THE SUN. It was beautiful outside and I took FULL advantage of it. On Saturday I went to Johnny's for lunch with Erica and Lora. It was so fun to catch up and hear how everyone is doing. I see Lora all the time, but my time with Erica is limited becaue she lives so far away (Although she just moved 3 hours closer so I am hoping for more lunch dates and such). She is also a full time career woman and mommy and coaches wife. Triple threat. After lunch with my girls I went over to the Eudora public pool with my friends from work, Katie and Ann. Katie had her son, Charlie, with her. He is adorbs. I went and saw him when he was a premie in the NICU after he was born and now he is running around, playing with kids, and talking up a storm. Life is so amazing. I got some good color and was responsible with the sunscreen. Go me.
Sunday morning I woke up and it was another beautiful day. I went over to Lora's house and played with Hudson in his baby pool. He also helped me wash my car. "Manna's car dewrty." HA!
It really was great fun except for the fact that I wasn't as responsible as the day before with the sunscreen. I swear I was only out there for two hours! OUCH! At least I put it on my face though so I won't flake and look like I have dandriff. HA!
That night I went over to Bonnie's house to have dinner with the team. Yesterday, all the freshman got here and moved into their dorms and joined the rest of the team for summer school and summer workouts. We ate good food and watched the NBA Finals. It was good to have the "family" back together. Obviously, it was weird not having Coach O there. I admit, I did call her on the way home and cry. It is getting easier though. The path to the 2011/2012 season starts now................
Bonnie has a huge pond (kind of a mini lake) in her back yard so a bunch of players, staff, and family went down to check it out. Weird, we have had a million dinners at Bonnie's and this is the first time anyone has ventured out there. I stayed on the deck though. Unless there is a boat or a dock, I am not interested. HA!
Side note: I got this swimsuit over the weekend. I got it from Linda's Online. I shopped from this place before and been extremely happy with the results. It specializes in swimsuits for the "blessed in the chest" girls. I wore my new zebra print one last weekend. I got tons of compliments and was very comfortable so I decided to get this one too. I only ordered the top, and if it fits, I will order the bottoms too. I could always wear my plain black bottoms until they matching ones arrive. I can't wait for it to come!
I am doing pretty good on the diet. I fell off the wagon a little last night at Bonnie's. Just couldn't resist the pizza and ice cream. It really was the only option. I'm lucky that I am not exposed to that stuff often because I had ZERO will power! HA! I have had two compliments this morning about how I am looking. I even got a, "It's melting off of you." I wish!!!! HA!!!! But hearing those things is good motivation.
I just booked a flight home for next week. This girl needs her Momma......and to see her Grandpa :(. It will be a much needed trip home since I probably won't be home untill next Christmas. Hopefully the weather will be good. And I won't have to worry about getting burned. My Mom is a STICKLER for sunscreen. HA!
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