Sunday, June 19, 2011


Happy Father's Day to the greatest man I know....Teddy  Ballgame.

Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for loving my brother and me unconditionally.  Thank you for being a wonderful husband to our mother. Thank you for being the greatest provider.  Thank you for being so funny.  Thank you for running with me every morning before high school. Thank you for being the referee between Mom and me and thank you for always making us both feel like we won the arugment.  Thank you for giving the BEST advice. Thank you for always being right.  Thank you for TRYING to tutor me in math when I was in jr high. Thank you for realizing that was a  bad idea. Thank you for not dissowning me when I crashed Mom's new car into pillars when I was 15.  Thank you for pocket dialing my 20 times a day. HAHAHAHA! 

Long story short.....THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!

I love you so BIG!!!



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