Thursday, June 30, 2011


Hey guys (well Dad)  and gals!  When I started this blog I decided that I was going to tell about my life honestly, the good and the bad.  There is no sense in pretending my life is perfect. It isn't.  But it is pretty great!  I have very few bad days but I have to admit,  today I am driving the "struggle bus." Whenever a player has a bad practice, trouble in the class room, or makes a bad decision, Bonnie says that she is riding the "struggle bus."  Welp, I think today I am DRIVING the struggle bus.  Ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right?  Welcome to June 30th, 2011.

I started out the day 12:10 a.m. when I woke up to HUGE and itchy hives COVERING my body.  My stomach, my legs, my back, my personal areas. And I mean these suckers were as big as quarters!  I just couldn't stop scratching. IT WAS HELL.  I got up and ripped all the covers off my bed, thinking there must be a family of misquitos buried in my sheets. Nope, no bugs. Then I remembered that I had spent the night after dinner outside weeding while Lulu ran around and enjoyed the nice weather.  I guess the saying is true...No good deed goes unpunished. I probably sat in an ant farm or something.  GHEESH. To make matters worse, these welts will not look cute on the boat this weekend, and they don't look like they are going away anytime soon!

Since I couldn't sleep I got up early and tried to get dressed for a run, but realized that I had forgotten my sports bras at work.  GHEESH. So I had to drive into work (Only after getting in my car and realizing I had no gas.  $70 spent before 6 am. GEESH).  I got to work (still itching) and got dressed to workout and realized I had forgotten a REGULAR bra to wear during the day.  So I had to go BACK to my house and grab one. By then it was too late to workout. GHEESH. 

I am also having a really hard time with the no diet soda thing.  It's not so much the no diet soda, it's the no caffine.  I just don't know if I am equiped to kick that habit right now. I am still trying, but it aint easy! I know it's only day 2 but I am DYING for a fountain diet coke...... GHEESH.

Anyways, this morning hasn't started off great but I already feel better after writing this blog entry. Thanks for listening to my venting! Today is the last day of camp and Hudson is coming to visit. Ann is brining me some anti-itch lotion and Benedryl so things should get better soon.

I want off this dang BUS!!!!!



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