Monday, June 20, 2011


WARNING: Longest post EVER. But my trip was FAB so I have to share.........

Sorry for the long pause in blogging.......I went home this weekend to my parents house and it was just what the doctor prescribed for this homesick chica. My family has been through a lot in the last sixth months. I've lost my uncle, my grandma, and my grandpa. It's been tough on everyone, but especially my Dad. I was so happy to be able to go home and hang out with Ballgame. After an 8 hour travel day and my mom being LATE to pick me up, I hope he felt the love. HA! We did a lot of just hanging out, which was perfect. My little brother, Mr. Really Busy Cop Man, even came down and took me out to lunch. I'm so special. There is no way I could tell everything that went on.....but here are some of the major highlights.......

I got to sun myself everyday at Le Spa D'Leland (the 'rents house).

We had to take Crystal to the vet.  She had a little plastic surgery (this only happens in Califonia) to remove some growths on her face. In all the fuss over my Grandpa, my Mom had forgotten to get the stitches out so I volunteered to go with them to offer moral support......

She just realized we were NOT going to Auntie Chris's....panic sets in.........

All done!  Isn't she puuuurdy?!?! You can tell her confidence level is already up! HA!

After all the errands,  Mom and I also did a little bonding (shopping).   My favorite find? This glam purse my Mom actually discovered. I love it 'cause I can wear it with gold or silver, dressed up or dressed down, with black or brown. On top of all that it has tons of sparkle. And what girl doesn't love that?!?! It really has endless options and since I'm on a budget (or try to be on one) I need that in my accessories..........

I couldn't find a pic of my new flip flops that I got from Dillards. Leopard print with a rhinestone bow. DIE.  They will be perfect for those hot nights in Italy when I will be strolling along with the random Italian hunk I have met on my trip. I know, I wish.  The reality is I will be traveling with 15 players and 6 coaches/staff members that would NEVER let me get away with something like that (without some major teasing, anyways) but a girl can still dream, right?!?!  SIGH.   I also picked up some red bling earings for the lake.  They match my new swimsuit perfectly so I will definetly be making a statement out at Clinton Lake. HA! 

The week wasn't all play though....We did have to throw some of my Dad's work stuff in there too.  These pools and purses don't pay for themselves people! HA! We had the Pacific softball and golf coaches over for dinner to celebrate their NCAA tournament seasons. My favorite part of these dinners is seeing how my Momma sets her table. She is even better than Martha Stewart. Stefanie Stewart.

Temptation is everywhere for me in California because it has several fast food places I love but can't get in KS.  Jack in the Box and In and Out are the top two. I am actually thankful we don't have them because I would easliy be like 400lbs.  I was able to stick to my diet though because of this parents outdoor kitchen. Teddy Ballgame can grill some delish and carb friendly steaks and hamburgers so that's what we did most nights.  The outdoor kitchen is certainly my most favorite place on earth...........

Eventhough Mom and I did some serious damage to her credit card (we chose to think about it as helping the economy) my favorite things I got were things we didn't have to buy. My Mom got this tiny red glass heart from Hungary. She had given me the turquiose ones when I moved into my house and I think the little red one is the perfect addition to the clan.  They are kept on my Mackenzie Childs heart, which was also a gift from my Mom. Do you sense a theme with her gifts to me? We really must HEART each other. HA!

Probably the most special thing I got was a pin from my Grandpa's military uniform.  I searched through a huge bag of memoriabilia and found this little gem......

How cute will it look on my coat this winter? I got several beautiful jewelry pieces from my Grandma. I wear most of them everyday.  I love that I now have something from my Grandpa and will wear it proudly.  Love you Grandpa!

Anyhoo.....there are tons of other stories and tid bits from my trip, but I just don't have time to list them all. Like when we called the police for a noise compliant on our neighbors, only to realize we couldn't hear the noise if we were INSIDE the house. In all honest, we were really just mad we weren't invited to the party HA!  I am so thankful to Bonnie that she let me take this unexpected time off to go home and help my family regroup from the past 6 months. Eventhough it's been hard we still have a lot to be thankful for.

I get to go pick up Lulu at lunch and I am so excited............It was lonely last night without her. 



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