Monday, April 4, 2011


Welp, tonight is the championship game for NCAA men's basketball. I, along with the rest of the Jayhawk nation, can't believe we aren't in it. It just doesn't seem fair. I have been in this business long enough to know that things like this happen. The better team does not always win. That's just the cold hard truth. But that doesn't mean that I can't be MAD AS HECK. I think I'm just going to act like the game isn't happening (Unless someone out there is doing something WAY fun and social for the game. Call me.)Instead, I am going to do my second favorite thing besides watching the If there is one thing my Momma taught me it's that retail therapy WORKS! Since I'm on a budget, Target is my destination. I am obsessed with Target and usually don't walk out of there with just what is on my list. Anyhoo, I know we win a lot more here then most other schools, but it doesn't make losing any easier.I know it could be worse. We could be Missouri. But I just can't get this picture out of my mind:

Hopefully after tonight we can all heal and move on...Late Night 2011 is only 7 months away! ROCK CHALK!!!!


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