Saturday, April 9, 2011


Hey everyone!!! Miss me?!?!?!  HA!  Well, I know it's only been a couple of days since I've landed in sunny California, but lots of exciting things have already happened. Yesterday my Mom and I met my Aunt Jeannie in the city to look for a new setting for the diamond that was passed down to her from my Grandma.  It was a great day.  The Jewelry Mart in San Francisco is my heaven, my mothership.  I thought that going to the original Tiffany's in New York City was a thrill, but this place is even better. Mainly because the selection is much bigger AND you get a great deal (At least the is how we sold it to my Uncle Bud. HA!). The ambiance leaves a little to be desired, but who really cares when you are surrounded by so many DIAMONDS! You have to be a member or a guest of a member to gain access to "the vault" which is where all the goods are.  My Auntie Chris (the original diva) has made great friends with a jeweler there- suprise, suprise- so he got us in. My Mom also took my brother to this same jeweler when he was picking out an engagement ring for Robin. Needless to say, he was excited to see us Leland women! Ha!  We ended up finding the ring at a little boutique type shop, after looking at several other places.  You all know that my jewelry mantra is, "bigger is better" but I wasn't sure if my Aunt Jeannie felt the same way. Let me tell you.....homegirl jumped right into the bling! I loved it!

Isn't it beautiful?!?! I am so happy for Aunt Jeannie that she finally got a chance to pick out a ring she loved. And boy did she do it RIGHT! Side note: Uncle Bud probably won't let her go shopping alone with us again, EVER. But he did tell her she could get whatever she wanted, so we ran with that.  What a good hubby. They are so cute!

I also got a little something from the jeweler my family always uses, but my Mom is holding it hostage until my 30th birthday. That is fine with me cause I will need something to pick me up on that depressing day. I'm still 29 and holding.......

On the way home Mom and I stopped at In and Out Burger. We don't have one in KS so it is a must whenever I go home.....delicious.........

Pretty much a perfect day!  Talk at you all soon!



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