Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So last nights' shopping trip didn't go quite as planned. I decided to get a extra run in after work (Hello weekend on Mass St. drinking and eating and hanging out with friends) and then felt guilty about leaving Lulu Bean alone for too long so I decided to just run by THE Walmart on my way home to satisfy my retail therapy urge. I know that Target is considered the "classier" of the two joints, but I totally find cute things at THE Walmart and usually they are way cheaper then Target. There is a brand new one right down the street from me. Majorly convenient. I even think their beauty products are cheaper and I needed deodarant for my locker at work....blah, blah, blah.....Anyhoo, I am SO glad I did because I found THIS there.......

How cute will this be on the lake?!?!?! I couldn't love it more if I had found it at Nordy's. I love that it is full zip so I won't mess up the hair pulling it off and on. I love that it has a hood for the days when it rains with no warning (That actually happens a lot. The KS weather is so unpredictable). I love that it is basic black. It isn't too short and will fully cover my chest if I want it to (If you know me and my body type, you know this can be a challange. Trying to stay classy). It will cover my shoulders fully if they get too much sun. I am obsessed. And, the very best part, it was only $15.00!!!!! You can't beat that! I might even go back and get another one so I won't have to be constantly washing it during the weekends.

And my luck didn't stop there. I also found these adorable KU flips there. Yes, our Walmart sells KU stuff. Welcome to Big XII country. They were only $8 so I won't feel guilty if I lose one off the dock. That has happened.....more than once. It seems that I am pretty much fully outfitted for the boat's launch in a couple of weeks. I just need some cute, CHEAP sunnies. I lost a pair of COACH ones when someone pushed me off the side of the boat last year and have not fully recovered from that traumatic experience. THE Walmart didn't have any cute sunnies so if you know where I can get a pair, lemme know. Here are the KU flips.....

All in all, it was a really successful trip to THE Walmart. I got all of those things, including my clinical strength deodarant (Thanks, Dad, for the sweating gene) for under $30.00!! Go me!! Plus I got home in time to hang out with Lulu and watch Bethanny Ever After. I just love her. As promised, I totally ignored the National Championship game. Connecticut who? No reason to spoil an otherwise fabulous day! Happy shopping!


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